Celebrations of Healing
Seeking Autobiographical Stories of Sexual Intimacy, Exploration & Discovery After Abuse
Message from the editor:
As a survivor who has done a lot of work healing from my own sexual abuse, I have always wanted to put together the book that I needed when I was younger: a collection of diverse stories from survivors about positive sexual experiences after abuse – a book about triumphs and “firsts” and hope. This is that book.
New Deadline:
December 31, 2023
Send Submissions & Questions to:
Authors Sought:
All are welcome to submit and will be considered. LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, Neurodivergent, & Disabled authors of all genders are especially encouraged to submit. Cisgender straight men are also especially encouraged to submit, as their sexual healing journeys are not often discussed in meaningful ways. Pseudonyms can be used in the published anthology to protect identity.
Authors will receive a copy of the print book. There are currently no plans for additional financial compensation, since the goal is to help other survivors. The plan is to keep prices low and to donate books when possible to organizations where they can be most useful.
Authors must have copyright to their own work. Copyright for individual pieces will remain with the authors. We retain copyright for the anthology as a whole.
Length & Format:
No more than 4,000 words, double-spaced, 12-point font. All submissions must be in .doc, .docx, or .txt format.
Cover Page:
Submit each entry as a separate file and include a cover page with the name that would be used for publication (or request for anonymity), legal name (required, but will not be shared without permission), email address, phone number, address, and a short bio of 100 words or less. Requests for anonymity in the final publication will be honored.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can my story be really steamy?
It can be as erotic, graphic, and kinky as you'd like, as long as it connects to your sexual healing journey.
Can my story feel rather innocent?
Write about having a crush, how it felt to hold hands, or the first time you let yourself let go and truly feel a kiss on your forehead: anything having to do with your sexual (re)awakening.
Can I submit fiction?
Our goal is to inspire survivors by sharing real stories about sexual recovery.
When will I hear back?
Before March 2024
We are a small venture, so it may take us some time to get through all the submissions, but do not despair! We will respond to everyone.